
Monday, August 16, 2010

Sistic: another sticky example

Talking about how sticky Sistic is when it comes to the purchase of tickets, Anne Holloway has this to share:

"I too bought two tickets via Sistic and needed to have my tickets collected.

"Sistic provides a template for an "Authorisation Form for Dummies" (attached) - it requires the details that a printout of their transaction receipt provides.

"The additional information required:
(a) one's credit card details (on the credit card I had to send along)
(b) my signature

"It just goes to illustrate the kiasu and hide-bound mentality that pervades Sistic and many other organisations which profess to use the web to facilitate sales.

"They seem to fear that anyone stealing my bag would be interested in collecting my tickets for a show?

"After all, the tickets had already been charge to my credit card - on August 6th, a week ago. So they would not be out of money anyway.

"All this red tape is what is holding Singapore back."

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